After Kailyn and Cade did their lesson, they asked if LaNae and I would put a puppet show together. We’ve been in the passage all week, so we pretty much know the key point of the passage. So we put one together “off the cuff.” It was fun, the kids always enjoy it, and they usually grasp the concepts we are trying to teach them when we do so in creative fashion. I guess, I know this, but sometimes I get lazy in the creativity department. It was a good reminder that I need to think through how I am going to present my Bible lesson during our family times on my way home from work.
Here’s a picture of the puppets we use as a teaching tool (check out the babe in the middle with the 80's big hair look). They are easy to make. You need craft sticks, felt, glue gun, pen, and some buttons. You can look at the picture and see how they come together. It looks kind of “cheesy”, but our kids don’t have much in the way of entertainment media so they are easily entertained. However, we’ve used these figures in a Sunday school class on several occasions with kids who have every form of entertainment possible from pre-school all they way to 2nd grade, and they are still drawn to them. It's nothing fancy, but my philosophy in family devotions (and teaching kids in general) is be creative. Whatever will keep them engaged in the lesson and as long as they hear and learn God's word, use it.
LaNae is taking orders.
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