Psalm 78:6-7 ~ ...that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God...

My prayer is that you will be helped, encouraged, and challenged by some of the things I post on this blog. I make no claims to be an expert in leading a family. I make no claims in being the model spiritual leader in the home, but I do love God's word, and I do love to remind myself daily of how gracious and merciful and steadfast in his love God is, I do want to make the cross of Jesus Christ central in my home, and I do want to be helpful to those whom God has entrusted me to care for. We are all on this journey together to tell the next generation the praises of God so that our children and our children's children will set their hope in God.

Monday, January 28, 2008

"Praying Scripture for Your Children"

I read this article my wife wrote for the "Encourager" and thought that I would post it on this blog because it is critical both for mom and dad to be faithful in praying Scripture for their children. Enjoy!!!

Is your prayer life all that it could be? Or has your prayer life become a little stale…dry… routine? I know I’ve struggled off and on with my daily prayer life. That is why I have been so excited about a new book I’ve been reading. It’s entitled Praying Scripture for your Children by Jodie Berndt. It has challenged and encouraged me to be praying more specific, biblical, God-honoring prayers for my kids.
Of course, I pray regularly for my kids, mainly that they will follow the Lord and that they will marry godly spouses. And I pray for specific character issues as they arise...but often my prayers for them have lacked urgency or any kind of vision as to what God wants to do in and through them. It seems that my morning prayers often turn out to be little more than a sleepy "…And God bless Kailyn, Cade, Claire, and Kyle...” Wait a minute, I say, as I rouse myself, there's no one in this family named Kyle..." This book is divided into 5 parts, each focusing on one area to pray for in your children's lives: their faith, character, safety, relationships and future. Within these 5 chapters are a number of sections that include many verses that can be used as prayers. For example, in the chapter about your child's faith, the author has a section on "praying for your child to promote God's kingdom." One verse she has listed is Romans 1:16. She has turned this verse into a prayer this way: "Lord, let _________ never be ashamed of the gospel, but let her recognize that it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes." Simple, yet profound. Actually, I was challenged to be praying for my husband, Roland, more specifically (and fervently) as well, especially as he begins his new pastoral role. So the other morning during my quiet time I sat down with my prayer journal and wrote out many verses, inserting his name when appropriate:

ll Timothy 4: 2-5 “Lord, help Roland to faithfully preach and teach the word and be prepared, both in season and out of season; let him correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction…

l Peter 4:10-11 “Lord, help Roland to use his gifts to serve others, faithfully administering your grace in its various form, so that in all things You will be praised and the body of Christ will be built up…

Colossians 3:23 “Lord, I pray that whatever Roland does that he will work at it with all his heart as working for the Lord, and not for man.”

We, as wives and mothers, long for God’s blessing on our families. And by God”s grace, He has given us the great privilege of praying for our families as a means to accomplish this. Praying Scripture will help us to align our deepest desires for them with God’s will for them laid out in His word. When we pray Scripture we can be assured that we are praying the Lord’s will-praying prayers that the Lord delights in answering.

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